Bugle 'N Brief is a bi-monthly newsletter used to keep everyone 'up to date' on what is happening at Wesley Chapel UMC.

March - April 2025 31st Edition
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you;
I will surely help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. ” Isaiah 41:10
March 2 Holy Communion
March 4 Mardi Gras Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper/Ash Wednesday Service.
Meal at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall, followed by a short Ash Wednesday
service with Ashes (optional))
March 5 Ash Wednesday
March 9 Begin Daylight Savings Time
March 16 Movie Night at Dinah Benson’s. Dinner at 5:30 pm,
Showing at 6:30 pm
March 20 Council Meeting, 7 pm, Parish Hall
March 30 UMCOR Sunday (formerly One Great Hour of Sharing)
March 30 Meal after Worship
April 6 Holy Communion
April 6 Easter Lily Orders due
April 10 SPRC meeting, 7 pm, Parish Hall
April 13 Palm Sunday
April 18 Combined Maundy Thursday/Good Friday Service, 7pm
April 20 Easter Celebration
April 26 Yard Sale Drop Off, Noon - 4 pm
April 27 No Meal after worship
April 27 Yard Sale Drop Off, Noon - 4 pm.
April 28 No Drop Off
April 29 Yard Sale Drop off, 7 - 9 pm
April 30 Yard Sale Drop off, 7 - 9 pm
May 1 Food Prep for Yard Sale, 8 am
May 2 Food Prep & Move Items Outdoors, 8 am
May 3 Yard Sale, Food and Bake Sale, 8 am - 2 pm
When we speak of Christians being “well-grounded,” we mean that they have a good
understanding of what they believe, and why they believe and act as they do. Being
wellgrounded is a good thing. It grants you a basis for engaging creatively with new challenges as
they emerge.
Recently, in social media, some have taken to “throwing shade” with a challenge that means they
think you have lost touch with reality, that you need to get grounded and you need to become
informed. They will say “you need to touch grass.” Earlier some of us might have said “Wake up
and smell the coffee,” or “get a grip,” or “time for a reality check.”
Christians should be well grounded, should have a firm grasp on reality. Indeed, we should “touch
grass.” That was why Luke wrote the book we call Acts, as well as the Gospel that bears his
name. It is also why Paul wrote all the letters we have bearing his name. We need to know what
the realities of our faith are. We need to see clearly the emerging situations, then discern well
how to meet them. It is why we meet together for study and discussion. These occasions help
clear the fog that sometimes accumulates because of our “filter bubbles.” They ground us.
And when we literally “touch grass,” or “smell the coffee” (or roses!), it will tell us something about
God. After all, creation itself was “God’s first word.” Scriptures came later. I hope you spend lots
of time with God’s good work, evidence of grace all around us. Emerging into Spring will facilitate
this, won’t it?
Pastor Dave.
Pastor’s Contacts: Rev. Dave W, Hodsdon 240-676-7825
www.facebook.com/david.w.hodsdon Mail: 4227 Headwaters Lane, Olney, MD 20832
www.youtube.com/david.w.hodsdon3533 email: revdwhodsdon@gmail.com
2 - Laura Wood
9 - Kendra Gibson
16 - Dinah Benson
23 - Tom Maher
30 - Sam German
6 - Leslie Short
13 - Becky Ireland (Palm Sunday)
20 - Carolyn Maher (Easter)
27 - Pat Huff
Wesley Chapel will combine two activities on Tuesday, March 4. The Mardi Gras/Shrove
Tuesday Pancake Supper will begin at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall, with pancakes, bacon,
vegetable frittata, potatoes, and dessert.
For those who would like to participate, a short Ash Wednesday service with ashes will be
offered after the meal.
In case of inclement weather, both activities will be held the next evening, March 5.
The altar flowers in February were given in “Honor of Family Birthdays” by
Christine Smith.
The March altar flowers are to honor “Thomas and Carolyn for their dedication
and love for our church.”
A floral bouquet on the altar is given by the Koumba family to “Honor the memory of Huguette
Koumba’s mother, Henriette Mbani, who recently passed into the arms of our Savior.”
The April altar flowers are given “With praise and gratitude to God for 60 years of marriage”
by Larry & Pat Huff.
Thank you to everyone who sponsors altar flowers on Sundays. They add beauty to our
altar and worship. Flower sponsors are still needed for May, July, September, and
November. The cost is only $60 for an entire month of beautiful blossoms. Please sign up
in the Narthex or contact Carolyn Maher, 240-409-6428 or 301-662-5769.
Wesley Chapel will hold a Yard Sale on Saturday, May 3, from 8 am
to 2 pm, both on the front lawn and indoors. Breakfast and lunch
will be served. Soup-to-go and a bake table will also be available.
What will sell? HOUSEHOLD items (dishes, glasses, mugs,
kitchenware, small appliances, bed clothes, curtains, towels, etc.).
CLOTHING for all seasons and sizes, TOOLS, ELECTRONICS,
anything useful, clean and in working order will be accepted. Please, no personal items such
as cologne, cosmetics, undergarments, or toiletries.
All items become the property of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Any items left
from the Yard Sale will be donated to Green Drop, who distributes to such charities as Purple
Heart and Vietnam Vets.
This project takes many hands!! Canopies are needed. Help will be needed in the kitchen,
at the bake table, as cashiers and to assist people with purchases. Homemade baked
goods are needed for the bake table. Please bring these to the Parish Hall Thursday or
early Friday.
After the event, much help is needed to pack and move items back into the Parish Hall or
secure items under the tent for pick up the following week. Please contact Carolyn Maher
at 240-409-6428 or Thomas Maher, 240-626-3334 or at home 301-662-5769 for details or
to volunteer to help.
Yard Sale Drop Off Dates and Times
April 26 Yard Sale Drop Off Noon - 4 pm
April 27 Yard Sale Drop Off Noon - 4 pm
April 28 No Drop Off
April 29 Yard Sale Drop off, 7 -9 pm
April 30 Yard Sale Drop off, 7 -9 pm
May 1 - Food Prep for Yard Sale 8 am
May 2 - Food Prep & Move items outdoors 8 am
May 3 - Yard Sale 8 am - 2 pm
The Monday Sunday School is currently studying the “Bad Girls of the Bible.”
Liz Curtis Higgs discusses ten of Scripture’s best known “femme fatales” in a
way that mirrors so much of today’s life situations. This group meets Monday
mornings at Dinah Benson's home from 10:00-12:00.
How can we do discipleship in an instant society? The Thursday Morning Adult
Bible Study group debates this topic within a new book, “A Long Obedience in the
Same Direction” by Eugene H. Peterson. The group also meets from 10:00-12:00 at
Dinah Benson's home and both groups welcome everyone who desires to attend.
There is still time to select a date for a Last-Sunday-of-the-Month Meal after Worship.
Nothing elaborate is required. A breakfast or light lunch is all that is needed. It’s just nice to
catch up with our friends over a meal. If you, or you and a few friends, are interested in
preparing an after-worship meal, please contact Carolyn Maher.
The Missions Team is donating $500 to UMCOR to aid those affected by the California
Wildfires. The team will also provide the Meal after Worship on Sunday, March 30.
Wesley Chapel will once again adorn its sanctuary with lilies for Easter. The cost will be $15
each. Detailed information and the order form are found on the last page of this issue or in
the Narthex. Paid orders are due to Carolyn Maher by April 6.
Our many thanks go to:
The Mahers for the January meal after worship.
The Hipkins family for the February meal after worship.
Ann Kipper for music during Sunday worship and for starting the voluntary choir.
All who helped with the funeral meal for Hiram Skaggs.
Donnie Wood for clearing the Church parking lot of snow.
Scott Lawrence for clearing the snow from the Church sidewalks, porches, and steps.
Greg Gray who runs our Sunday morning bulletins.
All who brought soup fixings for the Frederick Food Bank.
If your address, email or telephone have changed, or you know of someone listed in Wesley
Chapel’s directory who has changed any of these, please submit the changes or additions to
Judy Pontius: poncho3506@gmail.com, phone-301-831-8153 or to Thomas Maher:
maher323@verizon.net, phone 301-662-5769.Thanks.
If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear.
His eye is upon us.
His arm is over us.
His ear is open to our prayer.
His grace is sufficient.
His promises are unchangeable.
John Newton
On Easter morning, Wesley Chapel will once again adorn its sanctuary
with beautiful lilies in celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection.
These lilies will be of the same high quality as in the past. Most plants
will have four to six blooms. After their display on Easter morning, you
may take them home to enjoy and plant in your garden. The cost this
year will be $15.00 per plant. This is a wonderful way to honor or
memorialize your loved ones.
All paid orders must be received no later than Sunday, April 6. Place the form below in
the offering plate or send to Carolyn Maher, 323 Adam Road, Frederick, MD 21701
In Honor of
In Memory of
Given by:______________________________________________________________
Phone Number:_____________________________
No. of plants ___________X $15.00 = _______________ is enclosed.
Our activities
We organize various activities throughout the calendar year. See our Church Calendar below
Weekly Prayer Concerns
Each week our church bulletin lists members and friends that need our prayers.
Annual gatherings
Our Church organizes various events, from Christmas celebrations, Especially our Live Nativity held behind the Urbana Fire Hall to Easter festivities and Thanksgiving prayers.
Bible Study groups
Our Bible study groups meet on Monday and Thursday mornings, so you can choose which one suits your life the best. Call: 301-663-4956 to ask for info.
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."