Bugle 'N Brief is a bi-monthly newsletter used to keep everyone 'up to date' on what is happening at Wesley Chapel UMC.
BUGLE ‘N BRIEF January / February 2025 - 30th Edition
And he who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:5
Jan 5 Holy Communion
Jan 18 Planning Retreat. Parish Hall. 9:00 am Jan 15 Sight and Sound Ticket Order Deadline Jan 25 Meal after Worship
Feb 2 Holy Communion.
Feb 8-9 “Souper Bowl” Weekend
Feb 20 Trustees Meeting. Parish Hall. 7:00 pm Feb 26 Meal after Worship
Mar 4 Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Pancake Supper. Parish Hall. 6:30 pm
At the Turning of the Year Each year, it is natural to look back, and to look forward. One tradition related to this is New Year Resolutions. Love ‘em? Hate ‘em? Meh? However you have felt about them, I have a suggestion for you that comes from training that pastors get, at least in our conference (and other leaders do as well). Go ahead and make those resolutions, but make them “SMART Goals.” With a little bit of on-line searching, you can find a lot of information and help with this. But here is a quick intro:
SPECIFIC: One way to make your goal more specific is to ask who, what, where, when, and why.
MEASURABLE: What are the criteria that will equal success? Losing weight is not specific. Losing a set number of pounds by a date is both specific and measurable. It also helps you create an action plan… the intermediate steps to reach your goal.
ATTAINABLE: It is okay if it is a difficult goal, but is it realistic, possible, and not too far-reaching? I might want to reascend Mt. Whitney, but several factors mean this is not an attainable goal for me at this point in my life. What might I do instead?
RELEVANT: Is this goal significant to you? How significant and in what way? If it is unimportant or not worthwhile, you will not work towards it. Today, mountain climbing is not as important to me as it was in my teens.
TIMELY: Deadlines keep you on track, constantly working towards the end objective.
I would add that written goals are better, and that checking in with a coach, counselor, or a good friend who keeps you honest will greatly help your process.
What are your SPIRITUAL S.M.A.R.T. Goals for 2025? I look forward to the journey with you.
www.facebook.com/david.w.hodsdon www.youtube.com/david.w.hodsdon3533
Pastor Dave Pastor’s Contacts:
Rev. Dave W, Hodsdon 240-676-7825 Mail: 4227 Headwaters Lane, Olney, MD 20832
email: revdwhodsdon@gmail.com
5 - Dinah Benson 12 - Tom Maher 19 - Sam German 26 - Leslie Short
2 - Becky Ireland
9 - Pat Huff
16 - Carolyn Maher
23 - Chris Smith
The Monday Sunday School will begin a new study book in January. In “Bad Girls of the Bible,” Liz Curtis Higgs discusses ten of Scripture’s best known “femme fatales” in a way that mirrors so much of today’s life situations. This group meets Monday mornings at Dinah Benson's home from 10:00-12:00.
How can we do discipleship in an instant society? The Thursday Morning Adult Bible Study group will debate this topic within a new book, “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” by Eugene H. Peterson. The group also meets from 10:00-12:00 at Dinah Benson's home and both welcome everyone who can attend.
It has been a long tradition at Wesley Chapel to share a meal after worship the last Sunday of each month, with the exceptions of September, November, and December. Our January meal will be provided by the Maher family. We are asking for more people, perhaps a family or a group of friends, to step up to provide a light lunch after worship. The food need not be elaborate, just something simple. If you would like to provide a meal, contact Carolyn Maher.
The January altar flowers are given in Honor of Andrew and Jenny Maher’s 25th wedding anniversary, and family birthdays in January and February, given by Thomas and Carolyn Maher.
Flower Fashions continues to supply Wesley Chapel’s altar flowers for 2025. The cost remains the same as last year at $60 (sixty dollars). This includes both vases, and the flowers will be present on the altar for the entire month. A flower chart is available for sign up in the Narthex. If there are empty months, there will be no flowers on the altar. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Maher, 240-409-6428.
If you have changed your address, email or telephone, or you know of someone listed in Wesley Chapel’s directory that has changed any of those mentioned, please submit the changes or additions to: Judy Pontius: poncho3506@gmail.com, phone-301-831-8153 or Thomas Maher: maher323@verizon.net, phone 301-662-5769.Thanks.
SIGHT AND SOUND TRIP: "Noah" is returning to the Sight and Sound Theater in 2025. Wesley Chapel is making reservations for the 3 pm show on Tuesday, June 24. The deadline for ordering tickets is January 15, 2025. Contact Dinah Benson or Judy Pontius to reserve your tickets for this production.
PLANNING RETREAT: PLEASE add this important piece of information to your calendar! We have a new year, a new list of items to bring to the church fellowship, and a new planning retreat on January 18, 2025. The meeting will begin with a donut or two and coffee or tea around 9:00 am. Here, the coming year’s activities are planned and placed on the calendar.
Please plan on attending - your ideas are important to us. A light lunch will be offered and there will be a place at the table for you. Please let Dinah know that you will be attending, for a lunch count.
Wesley Chapel will be holding a community-wide "Souper" Bowl collection on Saturday, February 8. We are asking the Urbana area to provide soup makings, as well as other non-perishable foods, for the Frederick Food Bank. The Parish Hall will be open from 10 am - 2pm to receive these food donations. Members and friends can also bring their items to the church on Sunday, February 9. AFacebook announcement will be made shortly for all to send out to friends. Look for signs in and around Urbana.
A Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Pancake Supper will be held Tuesday, March 4 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. The menu will include pancakes, bacon, fruit, eggs, and other food items. There is no charge, but a donation will be greatly appreciated to help defray the cost. Come and bring your family and friends. If you would like to help, contact Carolyn Maher.
We probably don’t have everything from Christmas put away and already we're thinking of Easter Lilies? Their cost will not be available until mid-February, but the last day to order will be April 6. Look for more information about this in the next newsletter.
YARD SALE – May 3, 2025
The quiet days of winter are a wonderful time to clear out your closets, cupboards, and those boxes in the basement and attic. Begin gathering items now for the upcoming Wesley Chapel Yard Sale! Wanted are those out-grown clothes, unwanted knickknacks, household items, tools, and electronics in good working condition. Also, small furniture pieces, lamps, books, toys, artificial Christmas trees, household goods and that thing you don’t remember what it was for or why you bought it in the first place! Then put them in an unforgettable place to donate to the Yard Sale. Further details will be available in the Bugle’s next issue.
Many asked how much money the Urbana Indoor Art & Craft Show made. Here is the report:
Income: Kitchen - $2,365.00. Bake table - $686.13. Rental spaces - 101 @$40 - $4,4040.00.
Gross income: $7,091.13
Expense: Food - $38.50 (all else donated). Table rent/delivery - $200. Advertising - $345.00.
Total expenses: $ 583.50
Net Profit: $ 6,507.63
Comparatively, $102.84 less than 2023. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way!!
The Wesley Chapel Holiday Bazaar did very well this year. Money for the crafts is still coming in, with a semi-final total of $2,810.25.
Thanks to all who helped to make it such a success.
A BIG THANK YOU to Carolyn and Tom Maher for all the work involved in putting on another successful Live Nativity, and to everyone else who helped in any way with it this year. The camel, goats, and Helen, the mini donkey, are always a big hit. The actors played their parts well and taught the “newcomers” how easy and fun being part of the cast really is.
The 'cookiebakers' went well beyond what was expected. Leftover cookies were given to Faith House, a mission for women and children that is part of the Religious Coalition. They were very pleased with the gift.
The hot chocolate maker, Scott Lawrence, stirred the pot to keep the chocolate from sticking and the hostesses smiled while serving the guests cookies and hot chocolate. Let us not forget those behind the scenes: the director of angels and shepherds, the director of wise men and Herod’s court, the light and sound engineer, and those hardy souls who put up and took down the stable and buildings.
Thank you, too, to everyone who gave so graciously to the “Feed the Camel” campaign by purchasing “hay.” To Nan Cronk Walker, ALS interpreter, who graciously waived her fee. For the twelve gallons of milk and the hot chocolate mix that were donated, for the five families who provided all the homemade cookies, and for the cost of cleaning costumes donated by the UMW.
Below is the financial report for the Live Nativity.
Income: $500 from the UMW for the camel, $575 from “Feed the Camel" banner and $396.25 from the “Help Feed the Camel” donation jar. Total $1,471.25
Expenses:Advertising $280.00, Camel rent: $1,000 = $1,280.40. Bottom line $191.25 Profit.
The props and costumes are now stored away and the animals have gone home until next year, but The Live Nativity was a great blessing to all who attended and a wonderful beginning to the Christmas season!
Thank you to everyone who purchased poinsettias for the Garden of the Nativity. The beautiful red plants delighted our spirits and helped to make Wesley Chapel look more festive for the Christmas season.
In Memory Of:
Helen & Buddy England
given by Sunni, Anne, & Chip
Our Grandmother, Alice Hipkins
given by Emma & Riley
Harry & Elizabeth Lebherz
given by Harry J. Lebherz, III
Alice Hipkins
Perry & Edna Hipkins
given by Tommy Hipkins
Aubrey & Mildred Dutrow
given by Fayne Lebherz
Bruce & Linda McFadyen
given by Gloria McFadyen
Our Parents: Mary & John Covell Mr. & Mrs. Rezie Rhinehart
Our Grandson: Jonathan Woodard
given by Jean & Ed Rhinehart
Earle & Marie Nicholson
Alice Maher
Thomas F. Maher, Sr.
given by Thomas & Carolyn Maher
Gail A. Wood, Susan Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Gilmer R. Hawkins
Windsor, Hubert & Arlene, Edwin & Ruth,
Kenneth & Janice Hawkins,
Earl & Sandra
Mayetta & Ridgely Boyer, Bernice Boyer
Katherine & Glen Crittenden, Ellen & LeRoy Hildebrand
Mary & Jonas L. Wood, Fleury Foster, Lewis & Joe Ann Wood,
Austin Wood, & Ronald Wood, Howard Stup Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Albaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pugliese
Mrs. Nannie Main, Ms. Emily Hawkins, Mrs. Dora Wilt,
Bernard & Dolly Staley, Robbie Carter, Anthony M. Natelli,
Ann Runkles Kepler, Marion & Betty Lawson,
Margie Stup Ahalt & Nancy Stup Smarr,
Joyce & Gordon Gell, Joanne Dupuie, Rev. Roby & Nell Eastridge,
Freddie Pangle
given by Edwin, Jean, Donald & Rose Wood
In Honor Of:
Our Grandparents: Tommy Hipkins, Barb & Doug Smith
given by Emma & Riley
Our Children & Grandchildren: Michael, Tita, Justin & Juliana, Andrew, Jenny & AJ
given by Thomas & Carolyn Maher
Our Grandchildren: Zach, Morgan, & Lennon, Emily, Gage & Burke
given by Jean & Ed Rhinehart
Brothers & Sisters of Edwin Wood, Laura Scafide & Family,
Debbie Thrasher, Sandra Lawson, Herbert Quintanillo & Family
Don Holmes & Sue, Michelle Blank & Virginia M. Greene
given by Edwin, Jean, Donald & Rose Wood
You have a unique message to deliver, a unique song to sing, a unique act of love to bestow. This message, this song, and this act of love have been entrusted exclusively to the one and only you.
John Powell, S. J.
Our activities
We organize various activities throughout the calendar year. See our Church Calendar below
Weekly Prayer Concerns
Each week our church bulletin lists members and friends that need our prayers.
Annual gatherings
Our Church organizes various events, from Christmas celebrations, Especially our Live Nativity held behind the Urbana Fire Hall to Easter festivities and Thanksgiving prayers.
Bible Study groups
Our Bible study groups meet on Monday and Thursday mornings, so you can choose which one suits your life the best. Call: 301-663-4956 to ask for info.
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."