Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church

3519 Urbana Pike, Frederick, MD 21704

Church Office Phone: 301-663-4956

Find the latest highlights and announcements below!!!

Welcome to Wesley Chapel!

Church Service 9:30 AM

All are welcome - We look forward to fellowshipping with you soon!

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Pastor David Hodsdon -Church Telephone - 301-663-4956

The Live Nativity, will be held Sunday, December 1, 2024, located at the Urbana Fire Hall Parking lot, 3602 Urbana Pike, Frederick 21704
Show times 6, 7 & 8 pm.

In its 24nd year, Wesley Chapel presents its Live Nativity. Over a dozen characters dress in costume and perform under the night sky. Live camels accompany the wise men to the stable while shepherds watch their sheep in the "hills" hearing the angels. An innkeeper, King Herod, and his court make an appearance as well.

Professional narration and music. Professional ASL interpreter at all 3 shows.

After the performance free hot chocolate and cookies are available.

Free admission Free parking. In case of inclement weather, call the Church office at


Video of our 2022

Live Nativity

Live Nativity ( December 1, 2024 )

THANK YOU to everyone who attended our 24th Live Nativity celebration!

A thanks is also shared with ALL the people that filled the positions: Mary and Joseph. the Kings, the Shepherds, the Angels, the Kings Court and do not forget those that made and served the cookies and hot chocolate!

Together, we will never feel lonely or lost.